Mrs. Noz2 has already revealed that we got married in Sao Tome and Principe, the smallest country in Africa (not counting with the Seychelles). Ever since, we decided to celebrate each marriage anniversary in a different continent. Ok, I admit, this was a whim, that the majority of our friends could not even think about... and not the most suitable wish for a compromise that we had accepted for the whole life, as there are only six continents… Nevertheless, until today we managed to fulfill such desire... sort of: North America (East Coast), Southeast Asia, North America (Pacific Coast). Though, this year we decided to stay in Europe. Normally, next year we will go to South America.

Coming back to the title of this post, last year we started our annual big trip in Vancouver, BC and went down to LA, Ca, passing by Lake Tahoe, spending our anniversary in the former and the New Year's Eve in Seattle. Obviously, we have a couple of good stories from our time among the Canucks compatriots, but the point now is to talk about the capital of the grunge.
We all keep memories and live our life relying on them. I, for instance, will never forget the taste of my grandmother's omelet or the smell of the french washing powder that my aunt would bring every summer or even that poem that I recited for X-mas when I was 8 years old, not to mention the precise moment when I fell deeply in love in December '06. Having said that, going to Seattle was all about memories: we both grew up with Pearl Jam, smoked weed listening Nirvana (Mums: that's not true, just wanted to make a point...), went to parties where Alice in Chains played (well, not really…) and followed the several rehabs of Scott Weiland.
Moreover, there was this radio presentator/shrink that influenced us in a way never seen before, and we have followed all episodes of Seinfeld, Lost, That 70's, HIMYM, The Office, The Simpsons, South Park...
Were these, reasons enough to go to Seattle? The locals don't seem to think so, as we were asked more times than the Pearl Jam"s debut album title: "Why Seattle?" I started to count:
1. Space Needle
2. Monorail
3. Puget Sound
6. Jimi Hendrix
9. Shawn Kemp and the SuperSonics
Again, the number 10...
It was the summer of 93 and I was 15. Didn’t have much to do while on school holidays and the afternoons were spent with older friends either at a bar watching MTV or at the place of one of them, drinking whisky "borrowed" from my dad's collection. How many times did we hear “Jeremy”, “Alive”, “Black” or “Even Flow”? More than ten, for sure. That summer the video for "Jeremy"was put into heavy rotation by MTV and won the Video of the Year and Best Group Video at the 1993 MTV Video Music Awards.
“Why Seattle?” Because that was the best summer of my life!